Sports Injury Rehabilitation

Sports Injury Rehabilitation
At Stirling Physio we are experienced in the treatment of a vast range of sports injuries from a variety of different sports. We strive to rehabilitate our patients as quickly as possible and get them back to sport safely.
At your first appointment we will diagnose and educate you about your injury and through treatment help you to prevent future injuries in your sport.
The main goals of treatment include the early reduction of swelling and pain plus restoration of movement as soon as possible. As you progress, we integrate stretching and strengthening programs and finally, we will retrain you to return to your sport-specific skills.
We take the time to get to know your sport and your needs, then tailor a program and treatment specifically for your injury and rehabilitation requirements.

We have a variety of skills to treat Musculoskeletal conditions. Once you have been assessed your Physiotherapist create a plan for you and then select the most appropriate techniques to help you recover or manage your condition including: